I'm still getting a handle on things I put forth at the beginning of Spring and they are winding now just in time for SUMMER. I'm looking forward to the hot months this year, not for the heat and humidity (which, here, is brutal) but for the nostalgia of freedom that it invokes. My goal this year is to channel as much as I can that little girl who looked forward to three months of No School, to swim and play and create as much art as her heart allowed! Not sure how much swimming I'll get in (hopefully some!) but the creating is slowly seeping into my daily life again and it's wonderful. A little like the sun waking up and finding all the buds just waiting for it! Happy Wednesday! Thank you as always for helping me slow down and remember that it's the little things that make Life so grand! XO

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We should be more childlike in life I think, don’t you? I love the way you describe how you want summer to be. Maybe I should try and channel a little of that too! As always thank you for being here and for being you xxx

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May 22Liked by Sally Crangle

Taking in a moment to soak in the views of all the gorgeous cow parsley which seems to be having a bumper year. Letting the dog in the bed for a morning cuddle. Standing in the garden with a morning coffee letting the daylight soak into my eyeballs. Eating a slice of warm bread, fresh from the oven, slathered in butter.

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Oh my what a LIST! Our pup gets a little morning cuddle first thing too bless her and YES hasn’t the cow parsley gone utterly bonkers this year!? It’s nearly as tall as ME! And nothing beats warm, fresh bread- what a treat! Grateful to you for sharing your lovely list and for you taking the time to read mine too xxxx

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